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Version: Torizon OS 7.x.y

Workspace - Settings


This article shows you how to customize the Torizon IDE Extension using workspace settings.


Normally the extension fill the settings automatically, it's depend on the target machine you select as default.

Torizon IDE Extension Properties​

The Torizon VS Code Extension provides a set of workspace settings that can be configured to customize the behavior of the extension. These settings are available in the settings.json file in the .vscode folder of the workspace.


A boolean that enables or disables the automatic fetch of the templates when the extension is activated. The default is true. Set it to false if you want to disable the automatic fetch of the templates when the extension is activated. This can be useful in cases where the internet connection is slow or unstable.


A boolean that enables or disables the automatic scan for Torizon devices on the local network. The default is true. Set it to false if you want to disable the automatic scan when opening workspace folders.


A string that contains the Debian release to use for torizon packages integration. See Add Packages documentation section for more information.


A boolean that enables or disables the experimental features. The experimental features are not stable and can be changed or removed in the future.



This property should only be set to true if using the new base Docker images, versions equal or greater than 4-xxxx or release candidates.

A boolean that enables or disables the use of the new GPU prefix from release candidates' Docker images. The default is false. Set it to true if you want to use the new prefixes. When the user chooses and sets the default device, the GPU prefix is set automatically on the torizon_gpu property. For example, for the Apalis iMX8, the prefix value should be -vivante, if torizon.gpuPrefixRC is set to false. And it should be -imx8 if torizon.gpuPrefixRC is set to true.


The IP address set here will overwrite the IP address set automatically into host_ip, from project .vscode/settings.json. Use it as fallback if the automatic IP address set is getting it from the wrong interface for example.


A boolean that enables or disables the telemetry collection. The telemetry is used to improve the extension and the templates. See Data Collection for more information.


A string that contains the branch to use for get the templates. For TorizonCore 5 project set it to bullseye, for Torizon OS 6 project set it to bookworm and for Torizon OS 7 project set it to bookworm-7. bookworm-7 is the default value. If you want to use the latest (early access, not guaranteed to work) templates, set this property to dev.


A string that contains the git repository URL to get the templates. The default value is


The tag to use to get the templates. TorizonCore 5 is v2.x.x-bullseye, Torizon OS 6 is v2.x.x and Torizon OS 7 is v3.x.x. The templates repository is tagged with the same stable version of the extension. This means that you are getting the templates that were tested with the extension version that you are using. If you want to use the latest templates, set this property to next, then you get the head of the torizon.templatesBranch (latest tag/commit of the branch).

Torizon Project Properties​


A string that contains the IP address of the host development machine. This property is used by the extension to share the namespace domain of the local Docker registry with the Torizon device. It's value should set automatically by the extension.


A string that contains the path of the application root folder inside the container. It's value only takes effect in the debug container. It's value normally is the $HOME folder of the user that the application is running. Make sure to set this property to the right value if the application is not running as torizon user.


A string that contains the architecture of the default debug Torizon device. This property is used by the extension to build the application and the container to the right device architecture. Its value depends on the default device selected and should be set automatically by the extension.


Previously called torizon_debug_port.

A string that contains the main port used by the debug image forward it to the Torizon device. It's value depend on the development stack used and the port that the debugger is using.


A string that contains the secondary port used by the debug image to forward it to the Torizon device. Its value depends on the development stack used, some stacks use two ports for different debug data to be shared.


A string that contains the third port used by the debug image to forward it to the Torizon device. Its value depends on the development stack used, some stacks use three ports for different debug data to be shared.


A string that contains the port used by the debug image to forward the SSH connection to the Torizon device.


A string that contains the GPU device prefix used by the extension to append it to the right Docker image base to be used. Its value depends on the default device selected and should be set automatically by the extension.


A string that contains the IP address of the default debug Torizon device. This property is used by the extension to connect to the Torizon device trough SSH. It's value depend on default device selected, and should set automatically by the extension.


A string that contains the login of the default debug Torizon device. This property is used by the extension to connect to the Torizon device trough SSH. It's value depend on default device selected, and should set automatically by the extension.


A string that contains the password of the default debug Torizon device login. This property is used by the extension to connect to the Torizon device trough SSH. It's value depend on default device selected, and should set automatically by the extension.


A string that contains the user that the extension will use to run the application inside the container (the default user is torizon). Its value only takes effect in the debug container. It is useful when the application needs to be run as root.


A string that contains the SSH port of the default debug Torizon device. This property is used by the extension to connect to the Torizon device trough SSH. It's value depend on default device selected, and should set automatically by the extension.


A string that contains the path of the current workspace folder. This is used by the multi-container project mechanism (multi-container projects are experimental) and therefore is on the settings section of the <project-name>.code-workspace file.


A string that contains the time (in seconds) that the extension will wait for the synchronization of the execution of the tasks between multi-container projects. Its value depends on the number of containers that the project has (Multi-container projects are experimental).

Docker Properties​


It is set by the extension when the user is asked for the DockerHub login during the first run of the create-production-image task. This value will used also to set the Docker image name, ${docker_login}/${project_name}:${docker_tag}.



This property was not designed to be set manually

It is set by the extension when the user is asked for the DockerHub password during the first run of the create-production-image task. The value secret means that the real value is stored in the VS Code vault. This property value is asked to the user during the first run of the create-production-image task and is stored. The value then is used in the next runs of the task. If you want to change the password, you can remove the property or set it to an empty string, then the extension will ask for the password again in the next run of the task.


A string that contains the Docker namespace of the DockerHub that will be used to push the production container image. This property is ask to the user during the first run of the create-production-image task and is stored. This value is used in the next runs of the task.


A string that contains the tag of the production container image. This property is ask to the user during the first run of the create-production-image task and is stored. This value is used in the next runs of the task.

As the value is not ask to the user in the next runs of the task, if you want to change the tag, you can manually set this property in the settings.json file.

TorizonCore Builder Properties​

Some properties are automatically set by the extension but are used from our companion extension TorizonCore Builder. These properties are:


The Torizon Cloud API v2 Client ID to use to authenticate in the Torizon Cloud API v2. You can get it creating a new API Client in the Torizon Cloud. Check the Creating a New Torizon Cloud API v2 Client documentation for more information.


The Torizon Cloud API v2 Client Secret to use to authenticate in the Torizon Cloud API v2. You can get it creating a new API Client in the Torizon Cloud. Check the Creating a New Torizon Cloud API v2 Client documentation for more information. This value will be stored as a secret in the VS Code vault.


A string that contains the name of the fleet that will be updated in the Torizon IO platform at the end of the CI/CD pipelines.


A string that contains the name of the package that will be created in the Torizon IO platform after the TorizonCore Builder push. This property is set during the run of the tcb-platform-publish task.


A string that contains the version of the TorizonCore builder to be used by the tasks. Check TorizonCore Builder tags for check the valid values.

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