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This article introduces CODESYS Software PLC and directs you to the fastest way of deploying a quick demo container on a device running Torizon OS.

CODESYS is a software PLC solution you can deploy on our ARM-based System on Modules, enabling the system to work as a PLC. The software provides a development environment for your host machine and a runtime for the target device.

CODESYS GmbH - A member of the CODESYS Group

Toradex partner CODESYS GmbH is the company that provides CODESYS: the leading manufacturer-independent IEC 61131-3 automation software for engineering control systems.


CODESYS is a widely used, hardware-independent software platform for developing industrial automation applications, built around the IEC 61131-3 standard. It offers a range of tools for programming and controlling systems across various industries, including PLCs, motion control, and IoT solutions. Developers can work with languages like ladder logic, structured text, and function block diagrams within the same environment.

See a list of Devices using CODESYS (you see some famous PLC brands like Beckhoff, Wago and Eaton).

Getting Started

You can easily evaluate CODESYS software PLC with the Partner Demo Container. It consists of a Docker image meant to be run on Torizon, where you can easily deploy the CODESYS runtime and its dependencies. The image has the following CODESYS features enabled:

  • WebVisu
  • Softmotion
  • CNC
  • EtherCAT Master
  • Modbus TCP Slave
  • Modbus Serial Slave

Check our guide on the Partner Demo Container - CODESYS page.

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