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BSP Layers and Reference Images for Yocto Project Issue Tracker


The following table contains known issues, scheduled bug fixes, and feature improvements for the Toradex BSP Layers and Reference Images for Yocto Project.

The tickets are split into two major states:

  • Submitted (open): new features and bug fixes for BSP versions that have not yet been released. They may be scheduled for a specific release version; not planned; or in our backlog. All of them have one of the following states:
    • Known Issue: a bug or unexpected behavior that has been reported and is pending a fix. Once fixed, the status will transition to Fixed.
    • Feature Request: a new feature that may be added to a future release. Once released, the status will transition to New Feature.
  • Released (closed): new features and bug fixes for BSP versions that have already been released. All of them have one of the following states:
    • Fixed: a bug that has been fixed and released.
    • New Feature: something that didn't exist before and was added to a new release.

Any schedules are not guaranteed but reflect the current planning. The planning could be shifted due to priority changes.

Issues that are scheduled for a specific version will be integrated into the mentioned version of the BSP.

We will update this table continuously in order to always provide the latest state of our development plan. Please see also the Linux Support Strategy to learn more about the different releases.

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Issue #StatusSubjectModuleSubsystemWinCE OSSeveritySubmitted for Mainline

2.7b3 (Release date: 2017-06-30)
ELB-629FixedModule May Hang During Boot Upon Hardware ResetColibri T30, Apalis T30Bootloader, Kernel, Power ManagementLowNo

Description: Depending on its DVFS state right before hardware reset the Apalis/Colibri T30 module may hang during a subsequent boot. Software reset seems not affected.

Workaround: Either power-cycle or make sure you are running at a higher DVFS state upon hardware reset. A fix for this called 'apalis/colibri_t30: improve vdd core pmic handling' may be found on our U-Boot 2016.11-toradex-next branch.